Well, it is easy. Tribhuvan International Airport is the only international airport and it is located in the capital city of Kathmandu. There are more than 30 airlines including Thai Airways, Nepal Airlines, Air India, Singapore Airlines, Singapore Air, Dragon Air, Cathay Pacific Airlines, Indian Airlines, Korean Air, Biman Bangladesh, Jet Airways, Pakistan Airlines, Qatar Airlines, Gulf Air, Etihad Air, with regular flights to Nepal. TIA also has direct service to Hong Kong, Bangkok, Singapore, Kuala-Lumpur, Seoul, Dhaka, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Varanasi, and Abu Dhabi. There connections to primary cities and domestic connections to other areas of the country.

Nepal is a Himalayan country rich with picturesque mountains, ancient temples and some of the best walking trails on Earth. It’s a small country, but filled with splendour and exotic culture. The people of Nepal are as diverse as their country and represent distinct values and beliefs. Though they speak a variety of tongues and practice different religions, they are the friendliest people that you will ever meet.

It is difficult to replace the sense of mystery and intrigue that Nepal historically has on western travelers. There are endless surprises throughout the country. The Kathmandu Valley offers a unique spiritual atmosphere with thousands of Hindu temples, Buddhist stupas, stunning architecture and rich pageantry yet the urban experience holds the allure and appeal of a large city.

But the real adventure begins beyond Kathmandu. Everyone should experience a truly personal and intimate connection with the highest mountains in the world that only trekking delivers. Regardless of how you travel; by air from your home town, or overland from India or Tibet, come for an expedition in the mountains and deep valleys, lush forests, snow trails, terraced fields and above all the most hospitable people.

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